went down to check on Navy, he still look miserable and i fed him some glucose water.
he suddenly look VERY skinny and his saliva non-stop cmg down.
so i kinda brace myself.
till afternoon he was still fine.
when lil bro cam back and he knock on my door.
"Navy passed away"
i was WHAT!? he was fine this morning!?!?
depressed but i didn't cry idk why :(
i really didn't know what to do so i turn to my grandma.
she say put in a bag and throw it out.
WHAT?! you can't throw out animals!! D;
was sooooooooooo depress but what can we do.
grandma gave me a bag and we put him in.
ofcourse i was wearing gloves, he was bleeding from his ass OMG! D;
this was a picture of me and him. :(

i told my maid to help me she also said he was fine awhile ago but now... *sigh*
He was a very hyper and smart doggie. so much smarter than Joey. :(
so sad man so sad.
went to bath immediately after done with Navy.
an hour later. NO CURRENT. gah annoying la.
no current for 2 hours, in that 2 hours bro bawa us go kedai minum.
came back, current was back on.
been playing FF7 on the psp for the whole day trying to figure out how to get going.
and now im stuck again! continue tmrw la :/