she's my sister in law!
since we were bored out of our minds in college after classes
we wanted to have a walk in suria
but then suddenly thought of "hmm where is Jeselton Point arh?"
i always wonder, cuz everyone always go there and shisha laa
so we went since it was close
on the way there we argued about Kancil and Kelisa how they look like HAHAHAHAHAHA
this one was hilarious. bgila la we two that XD
the rain wasn't that heavy and it wasn't good
cuz the sun was out and was slightly raining
mmg not good
we were on our way and the rain got heavier
terpaksa walk la
got there had a quick look and went to her mum's shop
soaking wet hahahaha
prepare to kna sound tu XD
was sooo tired couldn't stand it
had a nap in the car and went home had a bath
took another nap
woke up watching Spider Man 3 slowly
i don't feel well,
noticed my voiced started to change padahal i didn't even talk.
and having cold sweat
here it comes. i wonder if Hui is sick >D
took two paracetamol and letting sweat come out
he always tell me to kasi kluar peluh if fever so it will go away
it really helps so imma doing it now hehe
hope will be better tmrw
HTM midterm is next week
should be okay, since it exactly the same as POM and i studied it twice
so should be okay i think :/
well gotta rest soon. TIRED from all the running and walking
stopping here for now :)