woke up early morning to study
gawd couldn't get anything in my head
thinking oh gawd im dead==
but during exam had a lil help :p
if yoiu know what i meant hehe
hope i pass! :/
trus pass information to friends
whaaat? ain't sharing is caring? hahahahaha
late finish HTM and told miss Tania im taking hers
in the afternoon, went to segama to buy the fabrics
very damn heavy! another plastic to carry
so much junk
was carrying 1 for DnD, 2 for all my clothes shoes books
3 for the fabrics
after that went to kopitiam to have lunch
went to take exam immediately
since miss say as early as possible
bha 1pm ody masuk and take
nasib! but finish too early
ingat i can't finish fast skali terlampau awal
took bus to cp to do my hair
i thought it takes an hour buy less than half an hour
DAMN lg la bnyk masa
went to bodyshop after that
spent an hour and half there with Ashley
i wanted to have the colour she's wearing but she
suggest me to make retro look well, okay!
i like the RED lipstick :3

but still i love bodyshop make up ever since i worked :D
after that took taxi to Promonade, PROM! :D
was the 1st one there other than the commities. yee malu sy
lama2 everyone came
took pictures immediately haha
got to take a picture with Aaron, haven't taken one for years!
the performance was awesome!!
CSL sang and his voice makes me MELT!
HAHAHAHAHA his voice is completely and utterly AWESOME
cannot stop looking at him when he performs HAHAHAHA
and the lencturers are awesome in dressing up! lawak btl
majority had fun la :)
went to his place after that, while walking up
3 blocks of people living there shouted that Malaysia won in football
hahahaha gila la
masuk rumah trus kna puji, eeeehhh kembang sy :p
very tired walking in heels
the food was not bad but x kenyang laa :/
perut trus bbunyi before we tdr
pnya i malu!!!! he dgr lg tuu astagaaaaaaaaaaaaa
so he sorta force me to eat but eat la jg cuz lapar kan :p
im gonna crave for what he cook for me later on nie ngeeeeh