i woke up feeling good today, no nausea no headache. :D am finally getting better after the sick start of 2012. i remembered i touched a snake last year at penang

there it is! :D it is said touch it from head to tail for goodluck all year long. well it hasn't been a good start of the year ==
today finally got to account class, and this 1st time learning accounts my head exploded and so did Hui hahahaha! she gerigitan teaching me, balik2 kna marah >p so must not skip Account class and get the hang of it!!
Have been saving cash for a new cam for me and love, and we finally got it! we were suppose to make the deal together this saturday but since i kept asking so he might as well tell me, he ody made the deal and gotz the cam. suprised me and i cursed at him non stop haha
he hasn't told his mum either but wanted to give her surprise jg, haiyaa. crazy boy. well am happy for him and finally got something he always wanted :)
i am wanting and craving for my appetite back, the nights of eat eat eat and getting me fats back! he was also dissapointed cuz skinny back again cuz of no appetite ever since sickness strike. brother also "determine" to get my fats back hahahaha, gonna EAT this saturday maybe since parents been having wedding dinner non stop day after day since tuesday. goodness. then CNY lg eat eat eat, sad oh my dad nie. he wanted to loose weight bha but since theres wedding dinner and CNY cmg up, sooo hahahaha kcian la.
now am dunno what im doing, looking for assignments to do but majority are just left hanging explanations == well assignments piled up like crazy though, this new sem MUST start assignments early and stop with the last minutes!!!! gotta rot myself away to the tv now, theres nothing here for me in the internet :/
so bye-bye :3