Yesterday went out with sammy after class, met up with her at Suria. since we were waiting for bainon we watched Journey 2! :D he ody watch so i watch with sam la! it was alright, funny parts too. but must watch Journey to The Center of the Earth 1st before watching this. its sorta like a continuation.
walked around and went to ctmall, got rid of our craving for pizza while waiting for Bainon to finish up gym. :) finished up her magazine cover assignment and Bainon sent me home, but we talk and talk till we parked outside my house and just continue talking. about college, people there and all the drama that happened ever since i started.
today after class went to his place straight cuz he's been dying to see me since he got back. like literally wanting to see me, telling me to skip classes and all. awwww :) i told him to be patient and we'll meet eventually so we did. after what happened ofcourse he would wanna settle it in person so we did a little bit.
my gay boyfriend :)

things have been rough, in the end he read my blog jg. ish! talked about it and settled it, i eventually put it aside and just let things flow the way it has always been :) will always love him despite people judging us and he loves me too :)
Happy 1 year and 6 months love<3