sickness wasn't that bad still can tahan
i love the new winter trend make up!
one retro colour and one for evening colour
finished at 9+ thats when my coughinb got really worst
i had to buy cold water cuz malas couldn't find normal water
and mine was finished ngeeh
had a few sip got worst BAGUS ==
pintar ko
wasn't feeling well when i got home
usually i would wanna eat when i get home from work
but i didn't feel like eating :/
on9 for awhile i couldn't stand it i tried sleeping
before that called him try out my voice
omg, pnya teruk i can barely talk
talk awhile cough till my tears came out
gawd please end this suffering
flu again
felt uncomfortable sleeping in my own room
so went to sister's room instead
her room doesn't have aircond but the fan is strong
feel more comfy staying in her room
had lots of flem and balik2 go toilet
could barely slept last night
my alarm clock went off and was still feeling teruk
told dad not going to work and texted Michelle
slept back, dad knock saying bring me go doctor
bha, soooo sleepy ==
dapau something and ate at home
watch tv awhile after that cannot tahan
went for a whole afternoon nap
was still feeling restless my goodness==
Serena ajak me out! but i couldn't sooo tired.
ish ish!
going out to bank again soon, waiting for bro noowww
tired, enough for today :/