so im back from my holiday trip
put my stuff back and had a nice bath
went to his place afterwards
he miss me so much he wanted me to go there
ofcourse i miss him much too :)
we've talk soo much about alot of stuff
then the talks led to his past and his ex
i hear that story i merajuk sda tu
then he said " its my past you don't wanna hear meh? hmm?"
kitai pnya budak
about your ex maybe not.
it hurts bha to hear who have you been and what have you done
afraid its gonna happened to me again AGAIN
he pujuk me in a cute way
suddenly he say he got something for me
" ah? what? "
" go my laci there and take "
went to his drawer and took a lil plastic
had a lil box in it, i couldn't resist the cuteness of lil things!
very simple lil gift box with my initial on a chain
yes its small, simple and it might not look like its worth much
to me its worth more than you can ever know ;)

i was sooo happy gave him lots of hugs and kisses
it means so much to me he bought me something
just the other day when i was in KL
thought of him giving me pressents, its just a thought though
and came back with this surprised in my face
very rare for him to buy me anything
such a sweetheart ;)
stared at that lil thing for a few mins later that
wore it immediately the next day :)
i love you FNCMF ;3