as always i got there very early, like half an hour early GAWD so sleepy even slept while waiting. sedihnye. start work kejap then he call, aik? he went to wawasan to have lunch with mee, ngaaww :3 at the same time he lapar also kitai pnya budak hahaha.but grateful la he could come and teman me to eat :3 sales kinda bad yet at that branch its good enough so i'll just go with the flow. Lyanny so pweetty! she reminds me of Sam cuz she balik2 kasi budu me!!! shet. few min before closing we were bored out of our minds we find our customers and search their name with funny2 words, like DUNGOT. HAHAHAHAHAHA really have nie berabis we ketawa! sot2 la for 1st day :)
after work Bainon look for me go hang out with sam, its been awhile since we catch up the 3 of us. so met at yoyo we talk2 from 9:30 plus to 11, then yoyo had to close so we went to Frenz.

bidanya this pic of us hahaha, had to meet them with my work clothes and make up on but they like the art Lyanny did :D we catch up yg very catch up pnya as if we haven't met for years! padahal few months we haven't catch up with each other. so we talk about what happened in our lives and all the shit we all been through haha! as usual
they suddenly turn to me say HOW BOUT YOU? how's you and Frandher?? you never update us!! hahahahahahahaha i look at them with blurness and with the " but, but.. but.." face. they hated him for what he did to me last time but they okay with him now, as long as im happy. so i sorta update them what happened i said "when we wanted to get back together he pujuk me that he can't find other girls who love him like i do" i haven't finish sentence they ody OFCOURSE!!! HAHAHAHAHA i love these two bitches so much :3
at yoyo they help me buy, sam didn't wanna tell me but Bainon told jg hahahahahaha lawak la i try to pay her back SHE DON'T LET. yeeeeeeeee, then i ask bainon if can send me home okay i try to patak her minyak jg this one also dnt let!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE why bha you guys this today? she say you teda enough money bha gini2 i also feel guilty nie cuz susahkan them bha always! :( but it was good having a chat with them about everything, we don't judge each other and we trust one another. i seriously love them, they are two of the best friends i ever had<3<3 :3