Saturday, December 17, 2011


yesterday not much to report, sales okay laa crowd very slow :/ and then todaaaaaayyy, starting from 2 plus till 6 non stop people coming in and only 3 of us jaga kedai gila la. Conny and Crystal very busy with make up, but ofcoz they layan customer also. alot of people make up alot of people buy gift so all of us PAUCHAAAAAAA :D very tiring yet worth it, i think haha.
now im completely exausted, tmrw again but the day after i get a day off tuesday will be transfering from wawasan plaza to cp :/ i don't really like la cp downstairs, theres too much staff and very strict. yea sales mmg banyak but x tau la :/

so yeah been working for 3 days now am so tired as fck. so sad. oh! Stephanie and her mum bought something from mee :D hehe! i saw someone who look alot like JC, i thought aik? isn't he somewhere the other side of the world? i look with that curious face, then the guy pass buy look at me with that curious face jg. aik???? his twin? HAHA!

i miss him, i fcking miss him!!! haven't really had a nice chat with him since i started working, trying to call him now can't! WHERE THE FCK ARE YOU????? will be hitting the hay early again tonight, too tired to even stand it.
we were suppose to close at 9:30 as always,
we had to close at 10 cuz of too much customers. TIRED :/