went to work today when they suppose to opened at 9:30, i arrived 15 min earlier cuz if not no transport == malas oh wake up so early. gah! a college arrived after me and say i was suppose to be working tmrw. huh?? i blur, but angeline said i start today i say to her. dunno la so went in and check, just when i already applied foundation they say i start tmrw. ngeeeeeh == miscommunication between the managers. so Connie tell me to go home la, the thing is i have no transport! nasib hubby going to college kejap so we met up.
went to Karam to get his hair cut, look at him!! FUNNY oh!! completely short ody

called ah fung when i was at TBS, nasib she was working and she dnt remember meeee! :( when i say im this friend's friend trus ingat hahahaha. well at least she recognized me :D i kept an eye on how she cut his hair, damn pro nie! for some reason he really looks like Jay Chou. haha! Ah Fung make his hairstyle also macam Jay Chou, got back home also kna ckp " JAY CHOU"! hahahahaha. teased each other for a an hour or two and had a quick nap, was so sleepy and tired. got home around 6 plus.
tmrw bru start work, sleep early la tonight :/