working on this Christmas day, brother also so its okay. we've always have next year, and we still have cny :) all of these celebration is just another normal day bha actually. sales trus very slow! ketawa si mother hahahaha jahat oh, yea la jg cuz yesterday everyone reach 15k plus every store. got home and got present, one from parents which is a slipper bought from KL i yg pilih pun haha! then sis got me this cute lil kitty night dress :3

i love!! hehehe so cute :3 i was wishing for a phone but this will do haha! had a bit of turkey and mushroom soup for supper and now blogging. he say he want to have a girl best friend, aren't i one? :/ broke my heart there. i use to thought of having a guy best friend too but none, he's the only one. nothing big also just..dunno. sore throat still going and laptop keyboard is being a bitch.
thank you and Goodnight ;)