Monday, February 6, 2012

4th Feb

went to meet up with him at Tg Aru since he's there and i miss that place. i know ppl think its boring but i love to go to Tg Aru for the view and the awesome wind :D His mum came down to kk for her business, make up the bride for their photoshoot. so we met up with her at karam and she bought her new phone, asking if nice or not lg. ngeeeehh malu sy haha! so waited for the couple to meet up with us and they did, had lunch with them while his mum went to ask about her phone problem. left the 4 of us talking sooo, the husband thought we were brother and sister. hahahahaha he was embarrassed aawww :3

its surprising we thought they've been dating 5 or 6 years before getting married, skali they bru masuk 1 year in their relationship. damn! heran oh, but they mmg in that age ody la and their parents are okay with it so wth congrats them lor :) his mum mmg sporting la when it comes to us. ngeeeh she put her hand over my shoulder when we jalan2 hahahahahahaha funny oh!! 1st time that close to me boyfie's mum :p stayed over his place cuz his mum mau bawa us go Tg Aru again, so since have the chance i wanna go again! but last min x jadi :/

so stayed at home only, if i have the car i would like to go Tg Aru and just stay there lama2 :D this day going out is a replacement for our monthsary. had a wonderful time with them ;)

drove to wisma after that and went our separate ways, mum uncle and the couple went to try out their baju while the both of us jalan2 and see got what movie. end up wasting our time at Times. HAHA went back after that. ingatkan