Monday, October 17, 2011

So.. whats been going on?

Haven't layan my blog for a few days now.
malas bha hahahaha
thats one reason sometimes i malas to have a blog
but wth can update jg now and then :)

worked yesterday till 6pm only
got home and my pendrive, my phone memory card kna virus
all the files suddenly are shortcuts
i blame my laptop for it
stress about this almost whole night

ask help from love but balik2 lambat reply.
ish! all of these stuff are important to me bha!
don't give me shit when im stress and tired!
nasib he didn't if not argue nie.
felt so fckd up with this laptop

heres a list of what i NEED:
*new laptop
*new phone
*new bag!
*a CAR

for now its these stuff
if anyone willing to sponsor kan i will
love you entirely!
but obviously who would HAHA
went to sleep very early last night
10 plus ody sleep too tired

got up and noticed i have sudden sore throat
and mucus flowing down my nose like a waterfall
i tot it was temporary but it went on whole day
got home and watched Iron Man.
i haven't watch bha! so ssssssshhhhhh :p
tried to nap but can't
instead took my nap at my sis's room

woke up, didn't really have the appetite to eat
flu still flowing like waterfall
watched Iron Man 2 with dad
can't wait for The Avenger next year :D

he called suddenly haha
thought what happen to me cuz i didn't online
and i didn't cari him
sorry love :)

well nothing much and having waterfall again
update again soon :)